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歐盟評估枯草芽孢桿菌KCCM 10445生產的維生素B2/核黃素作為所有動物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性

放大字體  縮小字體 時間:2022-11-01 14:00 來源:食品伙伴網 作者: 澤夕   
核心提示:2022年10月31日,據(jù)歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟動物飼料添加劑和產品(FEEDAP)研究小組就枯草芽孢桿菌KCCM 10445生產的維生素B2/核黃素(vitamin B2/riboflavin)作為所有動物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發(fā)表科學意見。
   食品伙伴網訊  2022年10月31日,據(jù)歐盟食品安全局EFSA)消息,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟動物飼料添加劑和產品(FEEDAP)研究小組就枯草芽孢桿菌KCCM 10445生產的維生素B2/核黃素(vitamin B2/riboflavin)作為所有動物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發(fā)表科學意見。
  Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the characterisation and safety of vitamin B2/riboflavin produced by fermentation with a genetically modified strain of Bacillus subtilis (KCCM 10445) as a nutritional additive in feed and water for drinking for all animal species. In 2021, the FEEDAP Panel issued an opinion on the safety and efficacy of vitamin B2 98% and vitamin B2 80% in the form of riboflavin produced by B. subtilis KCCM 10445. In that assessment, the Panel could not confirm the correspondence of the deposited strain under accession number KCCM 10445 with the strain used for production owing to discrepancies in the description of the genetic modification steps. Moreover, in the absence of data, no conclusions on the skin sensitisation potential of vitamin B2 98% and vitamin B2 80% nor on the possible risk by inhalation of vitamin B2 98% could be reached. For the present assessment, the applicant provided supplementary information to partially address the limitations identified in that assessment. based on the results of a bioinformatic analysis between the strain deposited under accession number KCCM 10445 with the strain used for production under assessment, the Panel confirmed the correspondence between the two strains. As no new data have been submitted on the safety of the additives, the conclusions from the Panel remain that the use of vitamin B2/riboflavin produced by B. subtilis KCCM 10445 is safe for the target species, the consumer and the environment. Vitamin B2 80% is not hazardous by inhalation. In the absence of data, no conclusions on the possible risk by inhalation of vitamin B2 98% could be reached. Neither the vitamin B2 98% nor the vitamin B2 80% are irritant to skin or eyes. In the absence of data, no conclusions on the skin sensitisation potential of the additives could be reached.
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