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放大字體  縮小字體 時間:2010-08-12 14:30 來源:食品伙伴網 作者: sunny5739   
核心提示: 食品伙伴網報道,據(jù)英國食品標準局8月11日官網消息稱,該局上周對來自美國在英國出生的8只克隆牛進行了追查。這八頭克隆牛中四頭為雄性,四頭為雌性,都為主要用于生產牛奶的荷斯坦品種。該局上次公布最新調查信息是8月4日,一周來,又對現(xiàn)存的2頭存在疑點的母牛以及這8頭克隆牛的后代進行了追溯,并且確定了之前被宰殺且進入食物供應的公牛的肉的去處。








Summary of investigation on cloned animals
Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Agency last week traced animals born in the UK from eight embryos produced by a cloned cow in the US. Four of these embryos were male calves and four were female. All were Holstein animals, a breed mainly used for dairy production.

Since the previous update published on 4 August, the Agency has received assurances from the local authorities that visited the farms, the dairy industry and the farmers involved that no milk from the remaining two dairy cows has entered the food chain. This is in addition to similar assurances received in relation to the other dairy cow, Dundee Paradise.

The fourth female calf died at less than a month old. No meat or products from this young animal entered the food chain and its carcass was disposed of in accordance with the law.

As part of this investigation, the Agency has established that five of the eight animals are known to have had offspring. All of this next generation is too young to be milked or to be used for breeding purposes. However, one animal, a male calf of less than a month old, was slaughtered on 16 June 2010 and meat from this animal entered the food chain. The meat was sold in a butcher’s shop in London and will have been eaten.

In summary, as part of this investigation, the Agency has established that, in total, meat from three animals has entered the food chain without authorisation under the Novel Food Regulations.

The Agency can confirm meat from the first animal, Dundee Paratrooper, slaughtered in 2009, was sold to consumers via four butchers’ premises in Scotland and a single butcher’s shop in north east England. Meat from the second animal, Parable, slaughtered on 5 May 2010 was sent to Belgium. The Agency has informed its equivalent in Belgium of this.

While there is no evidence that consuming products from healthy clones, or their offspring, poses a food safety risk, meat and products from clones and their offspring are considered novel foods and would therefore need to be authorised before being placed on the market.

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