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歐盟評估枯草芽孢桿菌CGMCC 13326生產(chǎn)的維生素B2作為所有動(dòng)物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性

放大字體  縮小字體 時(shí)間:2023-02-24 13:26 來(lái)源:食品伙伴網(wǎng) 作者: 澤夕   
核心提示:2023年2月22日,據歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,應歐盟委員會(huì )要求,歐盟動(dòng)物飼料添加劑和產(chǎn)品(FEEDAP)研究小組就枯草芽孢桿菌CGMCC 13326 生產(chǎn)的維生素B2(核黃素)作為所有動(dòng)物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發(fā)表科學(xué)意見(jiàn)。
   食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊  2023年2月22日,據歐盟食品安全局EFSA)消息,應歐盟委員會(huì )要求,歐盟動(dòng)物飼料添加劑和產(chǎn)品(FEEDAP)研究小組就枯草芽孢桿菌CGMCC 13326 生產(chǎn)的維生素B2(核黃素)作為所有動(dòng)物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發(fā)表科學(xué)意見(jiàn)。
  經(jīng)過(guò)評估,專(zhuān)家小組認為使用枯草芽孢桿菌CGMCC 13326生產(chǎn)的維生素B2不會(huì )引起安全問(wèn)題。當通過(guò)飼料施用時(shí),被評估的添加劑在滿(mǎn)足動(dòng)物對維生素B2的需求方面是有效的。部分原文報道如下:
  Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) of EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) produced by Bacillus subtilis CGMCC 13326 as a nutritional feed additive for all animal species. The additive is produced by a genetically modified production strain. Although the production strain harbours some genes coding for resistance to antimicrobials, viable cells and DNA of the production strain were not detected in the final product. Therefore, the use of B. subtilis CGMCC 13326 to produce vitamin B2 does not raise safety concerns. The use of riboflavin 80% produced by B. subtilis CGMCC 13326 in animal nutrition does not represent a safety concern for the target species, consumers and for the environment. In the absence of data, the FEEDAP Panel cannot conclude on the potential skin and eye irritation or potential toxicity by inhalation of the additive under assessment. Riboflavin is a known photosensitiser which may elicit skin and eye photoallergic reactions. The additive under assessment is effective in covering the animals' requirements of vitamin B2 when administered via feed.



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