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放大字體  縮小字體 時(shí)間:2023-03-14 13:26 來(lái)源:食品伙伴網(wǎng) 作者: 澤夕   
   食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊  2023年3月13日,歐盟食品安全局EFSA)就審查戊菌唑(penconazole)的現有最大殘留水平發(fā)布意見(jiàn),并修訂戊菌唑在各種作物中的最大殘留限量
  根據歐盟條例(EC)No 396/2005第12章的規定,Syngenta Crop Protection AG提交了該修訂申請。經(jīng)過(guò)評估,歐盟食品安全局得出結論,根據所報道的農業(yè)實(shí)踐,短期和長(cháng)期攝入因使用戊菌唑而產(chǎn)生的殘留物不太可能對消費者健康構成風(fēng)險。部分原文報道如下:
  The applicant Syngenta Crop Protection AG submitted a request to the competent national authority in Germany to evaluate the confirmatory data that were identified for penconazole in the framework of the maximum residue level (MRL) review under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 as not available. Moreover, in the application submitted to Germany, the applicant also included a request to raise the existing MRLs in pome fruits, raspberries and blackberries. To address the data gaps, detailed results on the metabolism substudy in tomato, a new storage stability on metabolites CGA127841, CGA132465 and CGA190503 and new residue trials were submitted. The data gap on metabolism was considered satisfactorily addressed. The data gap on complete sets of residue trials analysing simultaneously for monitoring and risk assessment residue definitions was considered addressed for raspberries, blackberries, pumpkins and watermelons; not addressed for pome fruits, stone fruits, grapes, gooseberries, tomatoes and aubergines. The new information provided justified an increase of the existing MRLs for pome fruits, plums, blackberries and raspberries and a revision of the risk assessment performed for penconazole. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of penconazole on the commodities under consideration at the validated limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.01 mg/kg. based on the risk assessment results, EFSA concluded that the short-term and long-term intake of residues resulting from the use of penconazole according to the reported agricultural practices is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.



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