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核心提示:遺傳學(xué)(Genetics)7月出版了美國北卡羅萊納州立大學(xué)里德博士的研究團隊對果蠅的研究表明,遺傳與飲食的相互作用比飲食本身對人體體重具有更大的影響,這可以幫助研究人員解釋?zhuān)瑸楹物嬍骋粯拥娜说捏w重卻差別很大。“ 這項研究有力地揭示了,一些人改變生活習慣以及膳食能夠很快受益,而其他人的變動(dòng)卻幾乎沒(méi)有同樣的效果”研究人員寫(xiě)道。
    食品伙伴網(wǎng)導讀:遺傳學(xué)(Genetics)7月出版了美國北卡羅萊納州立大學(xué)里德博士的研究團隊對果蠅的研究表明,遺傳與飲食的相互作用比飲食本身對人體體重具有更大的影響,這可以幫助研究人員解釋?zhuān)瑸楹物嬍骋粯拥娜说捏w重卻差別很大。“ 這項研究有力地揭示了,一些人改變生活習慣以及膳食能夠很快受益,而其他人的變動(dòng)卻幾乎沒(méi)有同樣的效果”研究人員寫(xiě)道。 


“對所有2型糖尿病和肥胖病來(lái)說(shuō),沒(méi)有一個(gè)放之四海而皆準的解決方案”里德說(shuō)。“每個(gè)人都有一套獨特的遺傳和環(huán)境因素有助于他的健康代謝,或者作為一個(gè)社會(huì ),我們應該停止尋找一種靈丹妙藥,并開(kāi)始接受這是一個(gè)復雜的問(wèn)題,每個(gè)人可能有不同的解決方案。”


Fruit flies help explain why diet success varies
By Lorraine Heller, 29-Jul-2010

study on fruit flies has indicated that genetic interaction with diet has a greater impact on body weight than diet alone, which the researchers say can help explain different reactions to similar diets.

Published in the July issue of Genetics, the study adds weight to the theory of personalised nutrition, which suggests that the benefit of nutritional compounds varies for different people.

“This study strongly suggests that some individuals can achieve benefits from altering their dietary habits, while the same changes for others will have virtually no effect,” write the researchers.

Different genetic lines

Led by Laura Reed, Ph.D, from the Department of Genetics at North Carolina State University, the researchers studied 146 different genetic lines of fruit flies to contrast quantitative genetic mechanisms with respect to weight gain.

The flies were fed four different diets: nutritionally balanced, low calorie, high sugar, and high fat. Researchers then measured a variety of metabolic traits, including body weight, in each group.

Findings indicated that diet alone made a small contribution to the total variation in metabolic traits, while genotype and genotype interactions with diet made “very large” contributions.

Flies in some of the genetic lines were “highly sensitive” to their diets, as reflected by changes in body weight, while flies of other lines showed no change in weight across diets.

For several metabolic traits, genotype-by-diet interactions accounted for far more variance (between 12 and 17 per cent) than diet alone (1–2 per cent), and in some cases have as large an effect as genetics alone (11–23 per cent), reported the researchers.

One size doesn’t fit

"There is no one-size-fits all solution to the diseases of obesity and type-2 diabetes," said Reed.

"Each person has a unique set of genetic and environmental factors contributing to his or her metabolic health, and as a society, we should stop looking for a panacea and start accepting that this is a complex problem that may have a different solution for each individual."

 地區: 美國 北美洲
 行業(yè): 餐飲
 標簽: 生活 美國 飲食
 科普: 生活 美國 飲食
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