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放大字體  縮小字體 時(shí)間:2010-07-30 16:16 來(lái)源:食品伙伴網(wǎng) 原文:
核心提示:美國的羅勒種植目前被一種稱(chēng)為霜霉病的真菌困擾,這種真菌在美國全國范圍內蔓延。目前這種真菌是否對人體健康有影響不得而知,而植物染病的癥狀是羅勒植株會(huì )出現不自然的黃色,偶爾隨后會(huì )出現呈褐色的霉菌。
食品伙伴網(wǎng)導讀:羅勒,國內俗稱(chēng)九層塔,一年生草本植物,原產(chǎn)于印度和伊朗,廣泛分布于亞洲、歐洲、非洲及美洲的熱帶地區。近年發(fā)展很快,我國南北各地特別是南方及沿海一帶均有種植。主要被用作食物的香料,泰國菜和意大利菜中常用到。美國的羅勒種植目前被一種稱(chēng)為霜霉病的真菌困擾,這種真菌在美國全國范圍內蔓延。目前這種真菌是否對人體健康有影響不得而知,而植物染病的癥狀是羅勒植株會(huì )出現不自然的黃色,偶爾隨后會(huì )出現呈褐色的霉菌。這種真菌最早于2007在美國出現,目前的蔓延速度為歷年最高。康奈爾大學(xué)植物病理學(xué)教授建議除了增加植株間的間距之外,還可以選擇種植可以抵御真菌的品種,例如深色葉子的品種。


Fungus Infects Basil Crops from Coast to Coast
by Laurel Curran | Jul 29, 2010
A fungus called Basil downy mildew is rapidly spreading throughout basil crops all over the country. Though the fungus is not known to negatively effect human health, it does turn basil an unnatural yellow color with a occasional brownish-black mold appearing later on.

This particular type of fungus was first seen in the United States back in 2007. It has been spreading with increasing speed ever since. Today crops on the East Coast have been hit the hardest, and the fungus has been found infecting plants as far west as California.

Some farmers are being harder hit than others. Large industrial farmers have access to different types of fungicides that can stave off the fungus, but organic and small farms have less ability to prevent the disease.

Francesco DeBaggio of DeBaggio's Herb Farm in Virginia reported that he killed about $18,000 worth of plants since May, reported FoodManufacturing.com. "It's huge for us," he said. "We're so small it's fairly significant. We would have sold 100 percent of those that were destroyed."

Margaret McGrath, a professor of plant pathology at Cornell University, suggests planting herbs in areas that receive the most sunlight, and spacing plants apart from each other to minimize spreading of the fungus. Experts have also suggested planting varieties of basil that are more resistant to the fungus, including many darker leaf varieties.

Basil is an important ingredient in a number of different types of food, including Italian and Thai food.

Though the fungus does not harm human health, it severely effects sales.

DeBaggio has decided against trying to grow Basil again this year. "We're just not going to take any chances," he said. "To have another season like this, that would put us out of business. We couldn't survive that again. Once you ruin your reputation, you can't get it back."

 地區: 美國 北美洲
 行業(yè): 食品檢測
 標簽: 真菌 霉菌
 科普: 真菌 霉菌
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