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放大字體  縮小字體 時(shí)間:2021-10-13 11:30 來(lái)源:華中農業(yè)大學(xué) 原文:
核心提示:近日,華中農業(yè)大學(xué)植物科學(xué)技術(shù)學(xué)院農業(yè)生態(tài)研究團隊發(fā)表綜述,講述了中國稻蝦模式的發(fā)展故事,全面分析了稻蝦模式的環(huán)境生態(tài)效應、經(jīng)濟效應和社會(huì )效應,提出了中國稻蝦模式可持續發(fā)展的原理與技術(shù)策略。
  近日,華中農業(yè)大學(xué)植物科學(xué)技術(shù)學(xué)院農業(yè)生態(tài)研究團隊發(fā)表綜述,講述了中國稻蝦模式的發(fā)展故事,全面分析了稻蝦模式的環(huán)境生態(tài)效應、經(jīng)濟效應和社會(huì )效應,提出了中國稻蝦模式可持續發(fā)展的原理與技術(shù)策略。研究成果以“Crayfish–rice integrated system of production:An agriculture success story in China. A review”為題發(fā)表在A(yíng)gronomy for Sustainable Development上。
  圖1 中國稻蝦模式的面積分布
  中國農業(yè)正在尋求可持續的增產(chǎn)以解決糧食問(wèn)題。傳統的“高投入、高污染”的農業(yè)生產(chǎn)模式給資源和環(huán)境帶來(lái)了巨大的負擔。目前,中國正在推動(dòng)農業(yè)生產(chǎn)方式向資源節約和綠色發(fā)展方向轉變,近年來(lái),稻蝦綜合種養模式因其顯著(zhù)的經(jīng)濟效益在我國得到了迅速發(fā)展。本文中,我們利用統計數據、文獻綜述,結合本團隊多年長(cháng)期定位試驗研究結果,回顧了稻蝦綜合種養模式在中國的起源和發(fā)展,并將中國稻蝦綜合種養模式與世界其他地區的類(lèi)似農業(yè)模型進(jìn)行了比較,全面綜述分析了稻蝦綜合種養模式在生態(tài)、經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )方面的效應,以便對其進(jìn)行客觀(guān)評價(jià),并得出了三個(gè)主要結論。首先,盡管最初引進(jìn)的小龍蝦來(lái)自美國,但稻蝦綜合種養模式在中國的快速發(fā)展使中國迅速成為世界上最大的小龍蝦生產(chǎn)國,中國的小龍蝦產(chǎn)量占世界產(chǎn)量的90%以上,成為小龍蝦加工和餐飲行業(yè)的領(lǐng)導者。其次,中國特有的稻蝦種養模式促進(jìn)了水稻種植向優(yōu)質(zhì)、綠色生產(chǎn)體系的轉型。最后,稻蝦綜合種養模式對稻田系統的土壤質(zhì)量、水分和養分循環(huán)、害蟲(chóng)限制和生物多樣性發(fā)展產(chǎn)生了積極影響。稻蝦綜合種養模式成為中國農業(yè)生產(chǎn)綠色轉型的一個(gè)成功案例。基于以上分析,本文提出了稻蝦綜合種養模式可持續發(fā)展的生態(tài)原理和技術(shù)策略,這些結果也可為世界范圍內其他種養系統的綠色可持續發(fā)展提供參考。
  圖2 稻蝦模式可持續發(fā)展原理與技術(shù)策略
  Chinese agriculture is seeking a sustainable production increase in order to solve the food problem for its population. The traditional “high input, high pollution” agricultural production mode has led to a large burden on resources and on the environment. At present, China is promoting the transformation of its agricultural production modes in the direction of resource conservation and green development. In recent years, the crayfish-rice integrated system of production (CRISP) has been developed intensively in China due to its important economic benefits. evaluating this new agricultural model comprehensively and guiding the related green sustainable development are urgent issues. Here we used statistical data and literature to review the origin and development of CRISP in China and to compare the Chinese CRISP with similar models in other parts of the world. We reviewed studies on the ecological and social effects of CRISP for its objective evaluation and drew three main findings. First, although the crayfish initially introduced were sourced from the United States, the extensive application of CRISP led China to rapidly become the largest crayfish producer worldwide — accounting for over 90% of the crayfish production — and a leader in crayfish processing and catering industries. Second, the specific Chinese CRISP culture model promotes a green transformation towards a high-quality rice production system. Finally, CRISP affected positively soil quality, water and nutrient recycling, pest limitation and biodiversity development in the paddy field system. CRISP reveals a good example of effective application of green revolution in China's agricultural production. We analyse for the first time the specific ecological foundation and management model for the sustainable development of CRISP. These observations provide reference for the development of other agriculture–livestock integrated systems worldwide.
 地區: 中國
 標簽: 中國
 科普: 中國
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