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放大字體  縮小字體 時間:2024-07-01 10:52 來源:食品伙伴網(wǎng) 作者: 澤夕   
核心提示:2024年6月28日,據(jù)歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,歐盟食品添加劑和調(diào)味劑小組(FAF)就轉(zhuǎn)基因法夫駒形氏酵母生產(chǎn)的大豆血紅蛋白(soy leghemoglobin)作為食品添加劑的安全性發(fā)表科學(xué)意見。
   食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊  2024年6月28日,據(jù)歐盟食品安全局EFSA)消息,歐盟食品添加劑調(diào)味劑小組(FAF)就轉(zhuǎn)基因法夫駒形氏酵母生產(chǎn)的大豆血紅蛋白(soy leghemoglobin)作為食品添加劑的安全性發(fā)表科學(xué)意見。
  The EFSA Panel on Food Additive and Flavourings (FAF Panel) provides a scientific opinion on the safety of soy leghemoglobin from genetically modified Komagataella phaffii as a food additive in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1331/2008. The proposed food additive, LegH Prep, is intended to be used as a colour in meat analogue products. The yeast Komagataella phaffii strain MXY0541 has been genetically modified to produce soy leghemoglobin; the safety of the genetic modification is under assessment by the EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-162). The amount of haem iron provided by soy leghemoglobin from its proposed uses in meat analogue products is comparable to that provided by similar amounts of different types of meat. The exposure to iron from the proposed food additive, both at the mean and 95th percentile exposure, will be below the ‘safe levels of intake’ established by the NDA Panel for all population groups. Considering that the components of the proposed food additive will be digested to small peptide, amino acids and haem B; the recipient (non GM) strain qualifies for qualified presumption of safety status; no genotoxicity concern has been identified and no adverse effects have been identified at the highest dose tested in the available toxicological studies, the Panel concluded that there was no need to set a numerical acceptable daily intake (ADI) and that the food additive does not raise a safety concern at the proposed use in food category 12.9 and maximum use level. The Panel concluded that the use of soy leghemoglobin from genetically modified Komagataella phaffii MXY0541 as a new food additive does not raise a safety concern at the proposed use and use level. This safety evaluation of the proposed food additive remains provisional subject to the ongoing safety assessment of the genetic modification of the production strain by the GMO Panel (EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-162).
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