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放大字體  縮小字體 時間:2021-12-07 16:05 來源:華中農業(yè)大學 原文:
核心提示:近日,華中農業(yè)大學食物經(jīng)濟與管理團隊研究成果以“The dynamic effects of price support policy on price volatility: The case of the rice market in China”為題在Agricultural Economics發(fā)表。研究以稻谷為例探究了中國糧食價格支持政策對市場價格波動和消費者福利的動態(tài)影響機制。
   近日,華中農業(yè)大學食物經(jīng)濟與管理團隊研究成果以“The dynamic effects of price support policy on price volatility: The case of the rice market in China”為題在Agricultural Economics發(fā)表。研究以稻谷為例探究了中國糧食價格支持政策對市場價格波動和消費者福利的動態(tài)影響機制。
  經(jīng)濟管理學院李劍副教授為論文第一作者,該研究的合作者包括來自美國威斯康星大學農業(yè)與應用經(jīng)濟系的Jean-Paul Chavas教授和經(jīng)濟管理學院李崇光教授。該研究得到了國家自然科學基金項目(72173052; 71803058; 71873050; 71673103)的資助。
  This study examines the economic and welfare effects of a commodity price support policy. It conceptually and empirically evaluates the effects of the domestic pricing policy on the distribution of commodity prices, with an application to the price support program in the Chinese rice market. The empirical analysis relies on a Censored Quantile Autoregression (CQAR) model, which provides a refined and flexible representation of the evolving distribution of prices under a price support program. based on monthly data over the period 2000–2018, we develop and estimate an econometric model documenting the price effects of policy interventions. We study how a price support program affects price distribution both in the short term and long term. We find that such a program has reduced the domestic rice price volatility, evidenced by lowered variation and increased right-skewness of the price distribution. We also show how China's rice programs' high price support level during the period 2008–2015 caused significant censoring effects and price enhancement with adverse impacts on consumer welfare across all income levels. We further examine alternative situations where a moderate price support level can reduce the long-term mean price without generating consumer welfare losses. Our analysis and findings have implications for the implementation of agricultural price support policies in many developing countries.
 地區(qū): 中國
 行業(yè): 糧油
 標簽: 中國 管理 價格 消費者 糧食
 科普: 中國 管理 價格 消費者 糧食
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