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放大字體  縮小字體 時(shí)間:2023-08-09 09:18 來(lái)源:華中農業(yè)大學(xué) 原文:
  近日,華中農業(yè)大學(xué)資源與環(huán)境學(xué)院植物營(yíng)養生物學(xué)課題組聯(lián)合中國農業(yè)大學(xué)油菜適應緊實(shí)土壤脅迫適應性機制研究中取得新進(jìn)展,相關(guān)成果以“Compacted soil adaptability of Brassica napus driven by root mechanical traits”為題發(fā)表在Soil & Tillage Research上。
  由機械化耕作、土壤干旱、長(cháng)期免耕和農業(yè)集約化生產(chǎn)等造成的土壤壓實(shí)會(huì )嚴重破壞土壤結構,同時(shí)顯著(zhù)阻礙作物生長(cháng)和產(chǎn)量提高,但目前學(xué)術(shù)界對土壤壓實(shí)如何影響植物功能和生態(tài)策略仍不清楚。基于此背景,課題組以我國重要油料作物—甘藍型油菜為研究對象,探究具有不同機械特征的油菜品種如何影響土壤緊實(shí)脅迫適應性、根系性狀之間的權衡和養分獲取能力,以及不同油菜品種的基因型響應特征。
  我校博士研究生段賢杰為論文第一作者,石磊教授和中國農業(yè)大學(xué)金可默副教授為共同通訊作者。我校博士生劉玲、何陽(yáng)波副教授、徐芳森教授,法國農學(xué)院毛準研究員、中國農科院西雙版納熱帶植物園夏尚文副研究員、英國雷丁大學(xué)John P. Hammond教授和英國詹姆斯?赫頓研究所Philip J. White教授也參與了該項研究。該研究得到了國家自然科學(xué)基金和蘇格蘭政府戰略研究計劃等項目的支持。
  Soil compaction due to mechanized farming operations is a recurrent issue affecting crop growth and yield. Yet, how soil compaction affects plant functions and ecological strategies is poorly known. With Brassica napus, i.e. a widespread crop species as study object, we aim to understand (i) how soil compaction impacts root and shoot traits related to the plant's well-being, nutrient acquisition of Brassica napus with different mechanical robustness, as well as their trade-offs, and (ii) how such impacts vary among different cultivars. To do this, we cultivated six cultivars of Brassica napus in non-compacted (control) and compacted (treatment) soils, respectively, in a sand culture system. After harvesting, a series of mechanical, morphological and chemical traits of roots and/or shoots were measured. Results showed that soil compaction significantly limited root penetration depth and root system establishment in morphological traits, leading further to significant reduction in nutrients acquisition and plant biomass accumulation. However, soil compaction significantly increases the average root diameter and root/shoot ratio, and facilitate more root exudates secretion (e.g. organic acids and polysaccharides) of Brassica napus cultivars. The Brassica napus cultivars with large root mechanical traits (e.g. root tensile force, root tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) had higher root cellulose and lignin concentrations and showed a stronger response in maximum root depth and specific root length compared with Brassica napuscultivars with small root mechanical traits in compacted treatment, which resulted in the greater fine root length and more root exudates secretion at root-soil interface. Furthermore, deep rooting enhanced nutrients acquisition and further biomass accumulation in compacted soil. Totally, the Brassica napus cultivars with large root mechanical traits with more fine roots and root exudates were critical for Brassica napusroot penetration into a deep soil layer in compacted soil.
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